How to Set Up a Home Office When Space is Tight

It doesn’t matter whether you have a career in remote work, split your work time between the office and home, or are telecommuting temporarily. If you do any kind of work from home, having a designated workspace is a non-negotiable when it comes to staying productive and on task. Fortunately, you can create a fantastic home office that provides everything you need to maintain focus and produce quality work consistently, even if you live in a small home.

Here are some tips to get you started off on the right foot.

Choose a Spot

The first step of building a home office is to evaluate your home and determine where to put it. Remember that your workspace should help you to separate work and home life so that you can focus; plus, you don’t want to add any unnecessary clutter to your living space. Do you have a guest bedroom that is seldomly used? What about a garage or basement that is currently used primarily for storage? Even a breakfast nook or walk-in closet could work as a makeshift office, depending on your lifestyle and work needs.

Some people simply don’t have the space to put a home office in their main living quarters. If this is your situation, all hope is not lost. Actually, creating a workspace that is separate from your home could prove to cut down on distractions and foster more productivity.

For instance, a detached garage can be converted into any type of office you want. Maybe you don’t have an outdoor building but you have the space to build one; in that case, going with a prefab steel garage is hard to beat. And of course, if you end up needing to find a new home to accommodate your home office needs, there are plenty available on the market!

Clean and Prepare the Space

Whenever you’ve landed on a location for your home office, it’s time to clean the area. Start by decluttering and removing all items from the space — even if it’s temporary — and deep clean the space. This will provide you with a blank slate on which to design the workspace. Consider the type of layout you need, what kind of equipment you will be putting in, access to natural light, colors of paint that could liven up the space, and so on.

Get Your Equipment

It’s not an office without the right equipment. Consider your industry and the specific projects you expect to work on and ensure you have the equipment to do a thorough-yet-efficient job. This might include things like a computer, high-speed internet router, printer/scanner, sound system, and/or anything else you may need. If there is equipment that you need but don’t already have, look to online reviews for finding the best options on the market.

Furnish the Space

Once the space is prepared and you’ve ordered any equipment you need, it’s time to think about furnishing the space. A quality desk and chair are essential. Since you will be spending hours on end at your workspace, make sure you have a desk and chair that allow you to work comfortably and productively. Also, consider lighting. Even if you have multiple windows in the room, you will probably need to add overhead lighting, task lamps, and/or floor lamps.

Moreover, think about any other furnishings necessary to complete your home office. In small living spaces, for instance, multipurpose furniture, storage solutions, and functional decor can do wonders in helping you to maximize space.

Having a dedicated workspace will go a long way in helping you produce great work from home on a consistent basis. Assess your home, choose the best spot for your office, and prepare the space. Then, make sure you have all the equipment you need, and furnish the office to your liking. In no time, you’ll be in the zone, working more efficiently than you ever have before!

Article by Alice Robertson at [email protected]

Image via Rawpixel

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