Keep Your Professional Life and Personal Life Separate When Working from Home

With so many people still working from home, it can be hard to keep professional life and personal life separate. Here are some suggestions to help keep things stress-free.

  1. Stick to the morning routine you had in normal times as much as possible. Make your bed, shower, and change into work attire.
  2. Plan healthy meals for the week so you’re not snacking frequently just because you’re steps away from your kitchen all day.
  3. Set alarms on your phone to remind yourself to stand up and stretch, take a lunch break, or go outside for a walk.
  4. Keep your business-related materials in a dedicated workspace.
  5. Save housework for dedicated time outside of working hours.
  6. Set a firm time to stop working and create a to-do list for the next day. This will help you avoid getting sucked back into work to finish one more thing.
  7. Plan some virtual social time. Pick a day to hold a virtual happy hour or small in-person gathering that doesn’t involve business matters.
  8. Avoid electronics after your work is done for the day. Don’t default to watching TV all night after working on the computer all day. Read, hang out with family, or cook.
  9. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. Before falling asleep, listen to soothing music or use medication app instead of scrolling through your phone.

Originally published in Realtor Magazine Sept./Oct. 2020

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